Being Human Wiki
Captain Hatch
Biographical information

Before 1918


The Devil

Physical description




Hair colour


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Family information


Television Portrayal
"Captain Hatch has seen it all, at least he reckons he has, and whatever it is, he doesn't much like it. Stuck in a failing body in a wheelchair, in a dismal seaside hotel, things aren't exactly sunny side up. Hatch embodies the worst in humanity – he’s bitter, manipulative, obsequious and cruel. And beneath his decrepit exterior there lies within him a dark and toxic secret that could rattle your soul with fear, he is also disgusting. He's very clever and very funny. He kills people with a smile on his face - or persuades them to kill themselves. Hatch goes through a transformation as we get towards the end. When we first meet Hatch, rotting away in that filthy room, he’s in a terrible state. His teeth are blackened, veins on his forehead and earwax drips out of his ears. Described as ‘a little angry fist of a man’ to start with, but as he gets more powerful, he becomes more relaxed and urbane. Its revealed he makes Tom and Hal fight each other in order to retain his powers, revealing he isn't an ordinary human, but rather a creature who hides an ancient evil."
Toby Whithouse describing Captain Hatch.

Captain Hatch is the Devil's form in the physical world after the Devil possessed a madman in 1918.


In 1918, the human Captain Hatch was a local madman, who was used by Hal Yorke, Lady Catherine and Emil as a vessel for the Devil to possess in the trio's attempt to kill the Devil. However, as a mistake by Hal made the ritual's trinity improper, the Devil was not killed but weakened and bound to its current host, and the possessed Hatch managed to escape before he could be slain.

At some point after this, Captain Hatch became a guest at the Barry Grand Hotel, and is believed to have probably caused the yearly suicides between 1976 and 2013. In 2013, Hatch appeared to see Alex when she, Tom McNair and Hal arrived, and appeared to take an interest in them.

Later, when a member of staff spilled something on Hatch he was angry at first, before brushing it off and telling the staff member a secret. The secret shocked the staff member, and caused her to write 'He will rise' in blood on the wall of a hotel suite before committing suicide. He shortly after commented while looking at Hal and Tom that he had not felt this good in years, while his eyes glowed with returning power.


Appearing on the surface as a typical angry pensioner he is mostly put up with by the senior members of the hotel staff who are quick to calm him before he gets to worked up. While quick to anger he can easily regain his composure.

This attitude however hides his true, sinister nature. He kills a member of staff over a simple accident by telling her a horrific secret. He finds the secret and its power amusing telling the girl before he reveals it that it will tickle her and chuckles at her shocked expression. He is cautious; when Hal (one of the few survivors of his binding) arrives at the hotel he plays the part of a demanding guest but secretly keeps an eye on the trio; delighted that Hal has brought him a potential meal to regain his powers.


  • Longevity - He appears to have aged little if at all since the ritual in 1918, save for his teeth becoming blackened, possibly as a result of his possession by the Devil.
  • Suicide inducement - He can cause people to commit suicide by telling them a terrible secret that leads the victim to kill themselves.


  • The secret he told the hotel worker has been speculated by some fans to have possibly been the same secret of the dead that Annie told Owen in "Where The Wild Things Are" to drive him insane.