Being Human Wiki

"Night will fall and He will rise"- The men talking about the Devil.

The Men with Sticks and ropes are the demonic guardians of the Doors of Death and hunt down any ghost who does not cross over properly or is bound for Hell. Under normal conditions they cannot exist on Earth, and require powerful assistance in order to cross over from The Other Side.


Mentioned in Series 1 and 2 they are a topic of great fear among ghosts and vampires. They are seen and interact with vampires in the brief period before they are reborn; an experience that traumatises many new recruits requiring older vampiries to be present to offer comfort upon rebirth.

In Series 2 they begin to torment and hunt Annie for refusing her door and attempt several indirect methods to drag her into the Other Side.

In Series 3 Lia explains to Annie that because she was dragged through another person's door and not one they made for her it has tied their hands and she had been allowed to return to Earth until her time is due.

In Series 5 they appear in the House; a normally impossible feat thanks to the assistance of the Devil in order to capture Alex. Alex is able to escape when Oliver closes the door stranding them in the living world in their natural forms where they quickly vanish though not before telling Alex that "he will rise".


In their true forms they appear as grey skinned humans with milky white eyes dressed in a mix surgeons wear and dog catching gear. The sticks and ropes are catch poles and nooses. Being demons they can not enter the living world in their true forms; instead projecting themselves through electronics to work their agendas. If they become trapped in the living world in their natural forms their skin takes on human colouring and they appear breathless before vanashing.


  • Electrical posession: Since they can not cross over into the living world they posess electronical devices to comunicate with the living world.
  • Influence: They can influence the mentaly unblanced to be their agents in the living world; killing themselves to open dorways to capture rouge souls.
  • Choaking Breath: They can suck the energy out of a ghost; one of them breathed over Alex and appeared to suck the energy from her causing her to start dispersing.